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发布时间:2017年05月18日 17:23    来源:william威廉亚洲官方    点击:[]


姓名        张晓丽


出生年月        1961-11

学历              研究生

职称              教授

研究类别       分析化学

工作单位       分析化学研究所

电话                053188361318

地址              william威廉亚洲官方

E-mail              zhangxl@sdu.edu.cn


  • 1979-1983   威廉希尔中文网站平台化学系,获理学学士学位

    1983-1986   威廉希尔中文网站平台化学系,获理学硕士学位

    1986-1989   威廉希尔中文网站平台化学系 助教

    1989-1994   威廉希尔中文网站平台化学系 讲师

    1994-2001   威廉希尔中文网站平台化学院 副教授

    2001-至今 william威廉亚洲官方 教授




  • 1 基于微纳米球介导酶联技术的生物单分子电化学检测

  • 2 拉曼快速分析技术及环境分析

  •  3 传感界面的构筑和电化学传感器

  •  4  电化学发光共振能量转移技术及生物应用



 1.《基础化学实验》--(I) 威廉希尔中文网站平台出版社,2000年。





1. Dimolecular interaction between graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets and phenols: A mechanism study Carbon 2016, 102, 462-469

2. Au-coated ZnO nanorods on stainless steel fiber for self-cleaning solid phase microextraction-surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy Analytica Chimica Acta 2016, 923,66-73

3. Single-cell multiple gene expression analysis based on single-molecule-detection microarray assay for multi-DNA determination Analytica Chimica Acta 2015,854 122-128

4. Multiplexed optical coding nanobeads and their application in singlemolecule counting analysis for multiple gene expression analysis Analytica Chimica Acta 2015,886 123-132

5. Hydrophobic gold nanostructures via electrochemical deposition for sensitive SERS detection of persistent toxic substances RSC advances 2015, 5, 13443-13450

6. Simultaneous determination of naphthol isomers at poly(3-methylthiophene)-nano-Au modified electrode with the enhancement of surfactant Materials Science and Engineering C 2015,53, 36-42

7. Single-cell multiple gene expression analysis based on single-molecule-detection microarray assay for multi-DNA determination Analytica Chimica Acta 2015,854, 122-128

8. Non-enzymatic glucose biosensor based on copper oxide-reduced grapheme oxide nanocomposites synthesized from water-isopropanol solution Electrochimica Acta 2014, 130, 253-260

9. Electrochemical sensor for endocrine disruptor bisphenol A based on a glassy carbon electrode modified with silica and nanocomposite prepared from reduced graphene oxide and gold nanoparticles Analytical Methods 2014,6,8604-8612

10. Electrodeposited apatite coating for solid-phase microextraction and sensitive indirect voltammetric determination of fluoride ions Talanta 2013, 115, 500-505

11. Electrochemical co-reduction synthesis of graphene/nano-goldcomposites and its application to electrochemical glucose biosensor Electrochimica Acta 2013, 112, 774-782

12. Electrogenerated chemiluminescence sensor for glutathione with Ru(bpy)32+-doped silica nanoparticles Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 2013, 17(3), 795-803

13. Applications of electrochemiluminescence resonance energy transfer between CdSe/ZnS quantum dots and cyanine dye (Cy5) molecules in evaluating interactions and conformational changes of DNA molecules Electrochimica Acta 2013, 94, 367-373

14. A method based on electrodeposition of reduced graphene oxide on glassy carbon electrode for sensitive detection of theophylline Journal of Solid StateElectrochemistry 2013, 17(1), 167-173

15. Ultrasensitive Immunoassay Based on Anodic Near-Infrared Electrochemiluminescence from Dual-Stabilizer-Capped CdTe Nanocrystals Anal.Chem. 2012, 84, 10645-10649

16. Nanocomposite of graphene based sensor for paraquat: synergetic effect of nano-gold and ionic liquids on electrocatalysis Analytical Methods 2012, 4(12), 3974-3980

17. Nanocomposite of electrochemically reduced graphene oxide and gold nanoparticles enhanced electrochemilunescence of peroxydisulfate and its immunosensing abililty towards human IgG J.Electroanal.Chem. 2012, 686, 25-31

18. Signal amplification based on DNA hybridization-dehybridization reaction on the surface of magnet submicrobeads for ultrasensitive DNA detection Analyst 2012,137(20),4849- 4854

19. Measuring interactions and conformational changes of DNA molecules using electrochemiluminescence resonance energy transfer in the conjugates consisting of luminol, DNA and quantum dot Electrochimica Acta 2012, 80, 171-179

20. Electrogenerated chemiluminescence sensor for formaldehyde based on Ru(bpy)32+-doped silica nanoparticles modified Au electrode Material science & Engineering C 2012, 32, 2169-2174

21. Electrodeposition of CdSe quantum dots and its application to an electrochemiluminescence immunoassay for α-fetoprotein Microchemica Acta 2012, 178(3), 323-330

22. Electrochemical sensor for epinephrine based on a glassy carbon electrode modified with graphene /gold nanocomposites J.Electroanal.Chem. 2012, 669, 35-41

23. Heterogeneous electrochemiluminescence spectrometry of Ru(bpy)32+ for determination of trace DNA and its application in measurement of gene expression level Talanta 2012,89, 427- 432

24. Electrochemiluminescence DNA Sensor Based on Ru(bpy)32+-doped silica nanoparticles labeling and proximity-dependent surface hybridization assay Journal of Solid StateElectrochemistry 2012, 161247-252

25. Electrochemical detection of chloride at the multilayer nano-silver modified indium-tin oxide thin electrodes J.Electroanal.Chem. 2012, 665, 26-32

26. Electrochemiluminescence DNA sensor based on hairpin structure DNA as recognition element and Ru(bpy)32+-doped silica nanoparticles as signal-producing compound Electroanalysis 2011, 23(11), 2693-2698

27. Ultrasensitive electrochemiluminescence method for determination of DNA using Ru(bpy)32+-coated magnetic submicrobeads wrapped with carbon nanotubes Electrochem. Comm.2011, 131499-1501

28. DNA microspot assay using sigle-molecule detection and requiring 1.8nL samples only Microchemica Acta 2011,174, 201-206

29. Electrochemiluminescence resonance energy transfer between an emitter electrochemically generated by luminol as the donor and luminescent quantum dots as the acceptor and its biological application Chem.Commun.,2011,47, 8292-8294

30. Determination of dopamine with improved sensitivity by exploiting an accumulation effect at a nano-gold electrode modified with poly(sulfosalicylic acid) Microchemica Acta 2011,174,345-352

31. Electrochemical simultaneous determination of nitrophenol isomers at nano-gold modified glassy carbon electrode Microchemica Acta 2011, 172, 285-290

32. Electrochemical simultaneous determination of nitrophenol isomers at nano-gold modified glassy carbon electrode J.Appl.Electrochem.,2011, 41, 687-694

33. Single-molecule-counting protein microarray with nanoliter samples and its application in the dynamic protein expression of living cells Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2011, 26, 3688-3691

34. Determination of pentachlorophenol at carbon nanotubes modified electrode incorporated withβ-cyclodextrin J.Nanoscience & Nanotechnology 2010, 10, 7654-7657

35. Ultrasensitive electrogenerated chemiluminescence immunoassay by magnetic nanobead amplification Electroanalysis 2010, 22, 333-337

36. Electrochemiluminescence of CdTe quantum dots as labels at nanoporous gold lea f electrode for ultrasensitive DNAanalysis Talanta, 2010,80, 1737-1743




















1.国家自然科学基金 电化学发光共振能量转移技术及应用 2010- 2012   负责人

2.家自然科学基金 扫描电化学显微术单细胞分析 2007- 2009  负责人

3.山东省自然科学基金 基于分子自组装技术的压电生物传感器 2000- 2002.  负责人

4.山东省自然科学基金 单分子及活细胞表面酶的纳米分辨的SECM成像 2004- 2006   负责人

5.山东省自然科学基金 基于微纳米球介导酶联技术的DNA单分子电化学检测 2009-2011   负责人

6.中科院长春应化所开放课题,生物物质的扫描电化学显微镜成像及定量测定 2005 -2006  负责人

7.国家自然科学基金重点项目单细胞分析化学方法研究,2003-2006   主要参加者

8.国家自然科学基金 非石英晶体压电传感检测研究 2003-2005   主要参加者

9. 国家自然科学基金压电传感器应用于超薄分子膜特性的研究 1996-1998  主要参加者  











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电话:0531-88364464 传真:0531-88564464 地址:中国山东省济南市山大南路27号 邮编:250100  院长信箱:yuanzhangmail@sdu.edu.cn