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姓名:    刘鸿

性别:   男

职称: 教授 (博士生导师)


Email: liuhongzhi@sdu.edu.cn





威廉希尔中文网站平台           william威廉亚洲官方


教授 (2011.7 - )


奥地利维也纳工业大学  材料化学研究所


高级研究员(2011. 5 - 2009. 5)


日本国立群马大学     先端技术研究中心


博士后研究员 (2009. 4 - 2006. 5)


上海工程技术大学                william威廉亚洲官方

副教授 ( 2006 .1   )

讲师 (2005.12 - 1999.7)




上海交通大学           化学化工学院

博士: 材料学专业 (2005.10 - 2002.9)


合肥工业大学           化学化工学院

硕士:应用化学专业  (1999.7 - 1996.9)

济南大学(原山东建材学院) 化学化工学院

学士:高分子材料专业 (1996.7 - 1992.9)




近年来, 主要从事笼型有机硅分子(POSS)的合成与功能化研究, 以及这些功能性笼型有机硅分子在有机-无机纳米杂化材料中的应用研究, 取得了一些非常好的研究结果, 这些结果分别发表在«美国化学会杂志»、«欧洲化学»、«大分子»、«大分子快讯»、 «材料化学 »等国际一流杂志上,这些文章被SCI引用达500余次,其中单篇引用达160余次。


首次成功合成了具有立方对称性的含八个羧酸基团的笼型硅氧烷单体,实现这一领域的重要突破,这一成果以通讯形式发表在化学类顶级期刊«美国化学会杂志»上(J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 10074-10075)。审稿人给予高度评价:1. 本文是真正的具有立方对称性八元酸的第一个例子(the very first example; 尽管以前不同的研究组,包括审稿者本人,都作了巨大努力来合成此类化合物,但都没有成功。2. 本文报道的化合物是极其有趣的 (extremely interesting),可能是各种新型材料的关键前驱体 (key precursor) 。文发表后得到了国际同行的高度关注和认可。

1. 美国科学院院士、麻省理工学院(MIT)化学系主任T. M. Swager教授把这篇文章作为亮点论文发表在«SYNFACTS»2008, 11, 1157)上。

2. 美国耶鲁大学 (Yale University) J. Parr 教授把该这篇文章选入由英国皇家化学会主办的2009 年的«年度化学进展» (Annu. Rep. Prog. Chem., Sec. A, 2009, 105, 117-139)

3.先后三次被美国“ BioMedLib™ ” 检索机构认证此文是自本文发表两年来此研究领域发表的前十篇文章之一(Top 10 Articles),且位列第一位。

      4. 此文2015年一月被美国“ BioMedLib™ ” 检索机构认证此论文是自本文发表以来在相关领域发表的前20篇文章 (Top 20 Articles)


   在国际上首次提出利用“Heck”偶合反应来制备POSS基多孔材料,得到了国际同行的高度肯定。相关结果陆续发表在一些国际主流杂志上,例如:Macromolecular Rapid CommunicationsJournal of Materials Chemistry等。



1. H. Liu*, S. Kondo, N. Takeda, M. Unno*, Synthesis of Octacarboxy Spherosilicate, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 10074-10075.

2. Y. Liu, W. Yang, H. Liu*, Azobenzene-Functionalized Cage Silsesquioxanes as Inorganic–Organic Hybrid, Photoresponsive, Nanoscale, Building Blocks, Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 4731-4738.

3. H. Liu*, M. Puchberger, and U. Schubert*, A Facile Route to Difunctionalized Monosubstituted Octasilsesquioxanes, Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 5019-5023.  

4. H. Liu,S.Zheng,K.Nie, Morphology an Thermomechanical Properties of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Composites Involving Epoxy Resin and an Incompletely-Condensed Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane,Macromolecules 2005,38, 5088-5097.

5. H.Liu,S.Zheng, Polyurethane Networks Nanoreinforced by Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane, Macromol. Rapid Commun 2005, 26, 196-200.

6. H. Liu*, S. Kondo, N. Takeda, M. Unno*, An Efficient Approach to Monophenylfunctionalized Octasilsesquioxanes, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2009, 10, 1317-1319.

7. L. Xue, L. li, S. Feng*, H. Liu*,  A facile route to multifunctional cage silsesquioxanes via the photochemical thiol-ene reaction, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry2015, 783, 49-54.

8. H. Liu, S. Kondo, R. Tanaka, M. Unno, A Spectroscopic Investigation of Incompletely Condensed Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes(POSS-mono-ol, POSS-diol and POSS-triol): Hydrogen-Bonded Interaction and Host-Guest Complex J. Organomet. Chem. 2008, 693, 1301-1308.

9. H. Liu,W.Zhang,S.Zheng, Montmorillonite Intercalated by Ammonium of Octaaminopropyl Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane and Its Nanocomposites with Epoxy Resin, Polymer 2005, 46, 157-165.

10. D. Wang, L. Xue, L. Li, B.Deng, S. Feng*, H. Liu* and X. Zhao*, Rational Design and Synthesis of Hybrid Porous Polymers Derived from Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes via Heck Coupling Reactions, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2013, 34, 861-866.

11. D. Wang, W. Yang, L. Li, X. Zhao, S. Feng* and H. Liu*, Hybrid Networks Constructed from Tetrahedral Silicon-Centered Precursors and Cubic POSS-Based Building Blocks via Heck Reaction: Porosity, Gas Sorption, and Luminescence, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1, 13549–13558.

12. Y. Wu, D. Wang, L. Li, W. Yang, S. Feng* and H. Liu*, Hybrid porous polymers constructed from octavinylsilsesquioxane and benzene via Friedel–Crafts reaction: tunable porosity, gas sorption, and postfunctionalization, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 2160–2167.

13. D. Wang, W. Yang, S. Feng* and H. Liu*, Constructing Hybrid Porous Polymers from Cubic Octavinylsilsequioxane and Planar Halogenated Benzene, Polymer Chemistry, 2014, 5, 3634-3642.

14. L.Li, R. Liang, Y. Li, H. Liu*, S. Feng*, Hybrid thiol-ene network nanocomposites based on multi(meth)acrylate POSS, Journal of Colloid and interface Science, 2013, 406, 30-36.

15. W. Yang, D. Wang, L. Li, and H. Liu*, Construction of Hybrid Porous Materials from Cubic Octavinylsilsesquioxane through Friedel–Crafts Reaction Using Tetraphenylsilane as a Concentrative Crosslinker, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem2014, 2976–2982.

16. L. Li, L. Xue, S. Feng, H. Liu*, Functionalization of Monovinyl Substituted Octasilsesquioxane via Photochemical Thiol-Ene Reaction, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013, 407, 269-273.

17. Y. Wu, L. Li, S. Feng*, H. Liu*, Hybrid nanocomposites based on novolac resin and octa(phenethyl) polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS): miscibility, specific interactions and thermomechanical properties, Polymer Bulletin, 2013, 70, 3261–3277.

18. L. Li, S. Feng, H. Liu*, Hybrid Lanthanide Complexes Based on a Novel β–Diketone Functionalized Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS) and Their Nanocomposites with PMMA via in Situ Polymerization, RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 39132 - 39139.

19. L. Li, H. Liu*, Facile Construction Hybrid Polystyrene with a String of Lanterns Shape from Monovinyl–substituted POSS and Commercial Polystyrene via Friedel–Crafts Reaction and Its Properties, RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 46710-46717.

20. D. Wang, L. Li, W. Yang, S. Feng, H. Liu* POSS-Based Luminescent Porous Polymers for Carbon Dioxide Sorption and Nitroaromatic Explosives Detection, RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 59877-59884.

21. W.Yang, Y. Gan, X. Jiang, and H. Liu*, Cinnamate Functionalized Cage Silsesquioxanes as Photoreactive Nanobuilding Blocks, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2015, 99-103.

22. X. Zhao, S.Wang, W. Zhang, J. Qiu, Y. Wu, H. Liu, C. Xu and X. Hao, Highly biocompatible POSS-coated CdTe quantum dots for cell labeling, RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 598-604.

23. X. Zhao, W. Zhang, Y. Wu, H. Liu and X. Hao, Facile fabrication of OA-POSS modified near-infrared-emitting CdSeTe alloyed quantum dots and their bioapplications, New Journal of Chemistry, 2014, 38, 3242-3249.

24. X. Zhao, J. Du, Y. Wu, H. Liu and X. Hao, Synthesis of highly luminescent POSS-coated CdTe quantum dots and its application in trace Cu2+ detection, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1, 11748-11753.

25. Y. Wu; L. Li; W. Yang; S. Feng; H. Liu*, Hybrid nanoporous polystyrene derived from cubic octavinylsilsesquioxane and commercial polystyrene via the Friedel–Crafts reaction, RSC Advances, 2015, 5 , 12987 – 12993.



1. 2016 - 2019 POSS基多孔聚合物的制备及性能研究  

    国家自然科学基金面上项目         77.8 万元人民币


2. 2013-2016 以笼型硅氧烷为核心的新型功能性树枝状分子的设计合成及其在高分子纳米杂化材料中的应用研究

国家自然科学基金面上项目 78万元人民币



 3. 2009-2011 Hybrid materials based on a novel POSS

奥地利科学基金委员会(FWF) 12万欧元











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