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 陈代荣教授,博士生导师,兼任中国绕月探测工程科学应用专家委员会专家、中国材料研究理事会青委会常务理事、The Open Crystallography J. 国际期刊编委,山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家,入选泰山学者攀登计划,享受国务院政府津贴。近年来主要从事功能纳米材料的理论和应用研究工作,包括纳米材料形成过程和机理的研究、Sol-Gel制备无机纤维材料的研究以及纳米材料微观结构与其物理和化学性质相互关系的研究,在Adv. Mater、Chem. Mater、J. Phys. Chem.等国际期刊上作为第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文100余篇,研究工作引起了国际上相关领域科学家的广泛关注,论文被SCI 他引3000余次,成果应用后产生了显著的经济与社会效益,作为第一完成人,获得国家科技进步二等奖、山东省科技进步一等奖、山东省科技进步二等奖、教育部科技进步二等奖各一项。    



1982年-1986年   威廉希尔中文网站平台化学系    理学学士

1986年-1989年   威廉希尔中文网站平台应用化学系    理学硕士

1994年-1997年   吉林大学无机合成与制备化学国家重点实验室    理学博士

1989年-1994年   威廉希尔中文网站平台应用化学系(william威廉亚洲官方)助教、讲师

1997年-1999年   william威廉亚洲官方   副教授

1999年至今         william威廉亚洲官方   教授(校关键岗、教授二级岗)、博士生导师、无机化学、材料化学学科学术带头人、曾去美国、德国、乌克兰和加拿大作短期学术交流与访问












 1.Feng Liu, Qifang Lu, Xiuling Jiao* and DairongChen*, Fabrication of Nylon-6/POMs nanofibrous membranesand the degradation mustard stimulant research, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 41271-41276.

2.Yan Wang, Wei Li, Yuguo Xia, XiulingJiao* and Dairong Chen*, Electrospun flexible self-standing γ-alumina fibrous membranesand their potential as high efficiency fine particulate filtrationmedia, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 15124-15131.

3.YanWang, Wande Ding, Xiuling Jiao* and Dairong Chen*, Electrospun flexibleself-standing silica/mesoporous alumina core-shell fibrous membranes as adsorbenttoward Congo red, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 30790-30797.

4.ZhenJiang, Weijun Lu, Zhengping Li, Kuan Hung Ho, Xu Li, Xiuling Jiao,* and DairongChen,* Synthesis ofamorphous cobalt sulfide polyhedral nanocages for high performancesupercapacitors, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 8603-8605.

5Zhen Jiang, Zhengping Li,Zhenhua Qin, Haiyan Sun, Xiuling Jiao,* and Dairong Chen*, LDH nanocages synthesizedby MOF templates and the high performance as supercapacitor, Nanoscale, 2013,5 (23), 11770 - 11775.

6.Yuguo Xia, Li Zhang, XiulingJiao,*and Dairong Chen*, Synthesis of γ-AlOOH nanocrystalswith different morphologies under sulfate ion and corresponding formation mechanismstudy, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15 (41), 18290 – 18299.

7.Wei Jiang, Xiuling Jiao, Dairong Chen,* Photocatalytic watersplitting of surfactant-free fabricated high surface area NaTaO3nanocrystals, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy,2013, 38, 12739-12746.

8.Yan Wang, Wei Li, Xiuling Jiao* and Dairong Chen,* Electrospinningpreparation and adsorption property of mesoporous alumina fibers, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 10720-10726.

9.Yuguo Xia, Xiuling Jiao,* Yongjun Liu, Dairong Chen,* Li Zhang andZhenhua Qin, Study of the Formation Mechanism of Boehmite with Different Morphologyupon Surface Hydroxyls and Adsorption of Chloride Ions, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 17, 15279-15286.

10.Zhanxia Shu, Xiuling Jiao,* and Dairong Chen,* Hydrothermal synthesisand selectively photocatalytic properties of tetragonal star-like ZrO2nanostructures, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 4288-4294.

11.Zhenhua Qin, Haiyan Sun, Zhen Jiang, Xiuling Jiao* and Dairong Chen,*Synthesis of metal sulfide nanoboxes based on Kirkendall effect and Pearson hardness,CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 897-902.

12.Haiyan Sun, Xiuling Jiao,* Yanyang Han, Zhen Jiang, and Dairong Chen,*Synthesis of Fe3O4-Au Nanocomposites with EnhancedPeroxidase-like Activity, Eur. J. Inorg.Chem., 2013, 109-114.

13.Shenguang Ge, Xiuling Jiao* and Dairong Chen,* Ultrasensitiveelectrochemical immunosensor for CA 15-3 using thionine-nanoporousgold–graphene as a platform and horseradish peroxidase- encapsulated liposomesas signal amplification, Analyst, 2012, 137, 4440-4447.

14.Pingping Zhang, Dairong Chen,* Xiuling Jiao, Fabrication of Flexibleα-Alumina Fibers Composed of Nanosheets, Eur.J. Inorg. Chem., 2012, 4167-4173.

15.Zhen Jiang, Haiyan Sun, Zhenhua Qin, Xiuling Jiao* and Dairong Chen,*Synthesis of novel ZnS nanocages utilizing ZIF-8 polyhedral template, Chem. Commun., 2012,48, 3620–3622.

16.Haiyan Sun, Bo Chen, Xiuling Jiao,* Zhen Jiang, Zhenhua Qin, and Dairong Chen,* Solvothermal Synthesis of Tunable Electroactive Magnetite Nanorods by Controlling the Side Reaction, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2012, 116, 5476−5481.

17.Shuqin Shang, Xiuling Jiao, Dairong Chen,* Template-Free Fabricationand Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2 Hollow Spheres, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2012, 4(2), 860-865.

18.Zhanxia Shu, XiulingJiao* and Dairong Chen,* Synthesis and photocatalyticproperties of flower-like zirconia nanostructures,CrystEngComm, 2012,14, 1122-1127.

19.HaiyanSun, Xiuling Jiao,* Hanyu Wang, Zhen Jiang, and Dairong Chen*, Solvothermal Preparationof Pd Nanostructures under Nitrogen and Air Atmospheres and ElectrocatalyticActivities for the Oxidation of Methanol, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2011, 3(7), 2425–2430.

20.Zhenhua Qin,Xiuling Jiao and Dairong Chen,* Preparation of coral-like magnetite through aglucose-assisted solvothermal synthesis, CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 4646.

21.Shuqin Shang,Keyan Xue, Dairong Chen* and Xiuling Jiao, Preparation and characterization ofrose-like NiO nanostructures, CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 5094.

22.Guodong Liu, Xiuling Jiao, ZhenhuaQin, Dairong Chen,* Synthesis and Photocatalytic property of Ultrathin β-In2S3 Nanotubes,CrystEngComm, 2011, 13182.

23.Bo Chen, Xiuling Jiao and Dairong Chen,* Fabrication of Hollow Cubic AgMicroboxes with Netlike Nanofiber Structure and Their Surface Plasmon Resonance,CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 204.

24.Bo Chen, Xiuling Jiao and Dairong Chen,* Size-controlled and Size-designedSynthesis of Nano/Submicron Ag Particles, Crystal Growth &Design, 2010, 10(8), 3378-3386.

25.Xinhong Chang, Dairong Chen,*Xiuling Jiao, Starch-derived carbon aerogels with high-performance forsorption of cationic dyes, Polymer, 2010, 5(16), 3801-3807.

26.  Botao Ji, Xiuling Jiao, Ning Sui,Yongzheng Duan, Dairong Chen,* Long Single-crystalline a-Mn2O3 Nanowires: Facile Synthesis andCatalytic Properties, CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 3229-3234.

27.Keyan Xue,Dairong Chen,* andXiuling Jiao, Fabrication of Crystalline Mesoporous Metal Oxides and Sulfides,Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49(3), 1191–1197.

28.Guodong Liu, Dairong Chen,*Xiuling Jiao, Direct solution synthesis of corundum-type In2O3:effects of precursors on products, CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, 1828-1830.

29.Cuiqing Wang, Dairong Chen,*Xiuling Jiao, Lyotropic liquid crystal directedsynthesis of nanostructured materials, Sci.Techn. Adv. Mater., 2009, 10,023001.

30.JianLu, Xiuling Jiao, Dairong Chen,* Wei Li, A Solution-based Anisotropic Template Route to Triangular Pyramid Shells, CrystalGrowth & Design, 2009, 9(7),3296-3300

31.Cuiqing Wang,Dairong Chen,* Xiuling Jiao, Flower-like In2O3 NanostructuresDerived from Novel Precursor: Synthesis, Characterization and Formation Mechanism,J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113 (18), 7714-7718.

32.ZhongqiangZhao, Dairong Chen,* Xiuling Jiao, Preparationof Crystalline TiO2 Aerogels by a Sol-gel Combined Solvothermal Route, J. Mater. Chem., 2009, 19, 3078-3083.

33.Jian Lu, Xiuling Jiao, DairongChen,* Wei Li, Solvothemal synthesis and characterization of Fe3O4and g-Fe2O3 nanoplates, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009,113 (10), 4012-4017.

34.Xiao Jia, Dairong Chen,* Xiuling Jiao, Shumei Zhai,Environmentally-friendly preparation of water-dispersible magnetitenanoparticles, Chem. Commun., 2009, 968-970.






  •   作为第一完成人,获得国家科技进步二等奖一项,山东省科技进步一等奖一项,教育部科技进步二等奖一项。




1.  发明专利名称:一种γ-AlOOHγ-Al2O3纳米棒/板的制备方法



2. 发明专利名称:一种α-Al2O3纳米结构聚集体材料及其制备方法



3. 发明专利名称:一种Ag/Ag2S/壳纳米结构电阻开关材料及其制备方法和应用



4. 发明专利名称:一种柔性氧化铝陶瓷纤维及其制备方法



5. 发明专利名称:粒径可精确控制的纳米银粉的制备方法



6. 发明专利名称:一种柔性钇稳定氧化锆陶瓷纤维及其制备方法



7. 发明专利名称:一种低融高强微晶氧化铝陶瓷模具用结合剂及其制备方法



8. 发明专利名称:柔性γ-Al2O3纤维膜及其制备方法













发明人: 陈代荣 李月明 焦秀玲 贾玉娜







  •  每年招收大约两名硕士,两名博士研究生


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